Amarya Organic/Natural Beauty Box - April

Thursday, 19 April 2012


I was very happy to get my Amarya box redelivered to me from the post depot today, along with some other wonderful goodies that I had missed whilst being away. This month's Amarya box contains a full size bottle of Pure Organic Argan Oil by Simply Argan which I am very excited to try out. Ever since this miracle oil exploded onto the blogosphere, I have been wanting to try it, but had been seriously put off by the amount of fakes on the market, so I was a bit wary. Plus it annoyed me greatly that some companies were using the term 'Pure Argan Oil' on their products when they actually only contained a small percentage. So you can imagine how pleased I am to finally have a proper bottle of the pure stuff, this one even comes with a certificate of authenticity!

The other two products in the box are tiny sample sachets, but again ones that I'm happy to try out nonetheless. I received a 7ml Evolve Protein Build Conditioner for dry/damaged hair and a 2ml Jurlique Purely White Skin Brightening Cleanser. Will include mini reviews of these two in my monthly empties posts once I've given them a go.

Special offer code: enter EASTERBOX for 15% off the Evolve and Jurlique ranges when you purchase them from Amarya.
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  1. I signed up but missed out on this months box. So jealous of the Pure Argan Oil. I'm coming to the end of my Moroccan Oil but wont be repurchasing.. Silicone City.

    1. Yeah I'm hoping that the Pure Argan Oil is much better than Moroccan Oil. Have been experiencing a lot of product build up recently whenever I've used Moroccan which is probably down to the silicone content xx

  2. I love this month's box (although I still do love moroccanoil!). I love how you can use it all over the body and even in your bath! Amarya always deliver! x

    1. I can't wait to use it in the bath, maybe going to add a few drops of essential oil too for a little fragrance, mmmm sounds lovely already! They do, always happy with my Amarya boxes :)

  3. Hi E v e l y n

    Thank you for taking the time to review our product and we look forward to hearing how you find using our argan oil.

    It is good to read that you realise that there are a lot of companies out there peddling other/mixed oils as pure argan oil. We have had some comments from people saying that they can buy argan oil elsewhere cheaper – but I think the old saying “you get what you pay for” is really true for this product.

    We do go to great lengths to ensure that we source the best Argan Oil for our customers and we test this in a UK laboratory (which, as yet, we cannot find any other company doing), providing a certificate of authenticity with each bottle, as you yourself have commented on.

    Argan Oil is a very expensive oil because it is so rare. It takes several hours labour to extract just 1 litre of the oil and, to put its rarity into perspective, there are only 4 million litres produced annually compared to 1.8 billion litres of olive oil!

    Would you be kind and put our site ( in the main body of your blog?

    Please email us if you have any questions about the oil or how to use it at

    Jane Smith
    Simply Argan

    1. Hi Jane

      Thanks for reading my blog and for your informative comments, it's always good to hear from the companies who make products that I've featured. I am a big believer in using quality ingredients and feel that because Argan Oil has been exploited heavily as a 'must have' trend product, a lot of companies have taken advantage and undermined the quality of this rare oil by pushing inferior products onto the market and onto unsuspecting consumers.

      I'm happy to have found your Argan Oil and will be putting up a seperate more in-depth review of it soon (and will of course include your site links in that one, no probs!).



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